Healthy & Fit Exercise Ideas

Experts will tell you that swimming is one of the best exercises you can partake in. Some of the benefits include improved strength and flexibility, a stronger heart, increased energy, improved circulation, weight loss and stress relief. Swimming is just one of many water exercises you can do at home.

Stay fit this summer with these simple water exercises:

Kicks: Grab a kick-board, or hold onto the edge of the pool, and kick to tone your legs, buttocks and stomach.

Running: Increase your heart rate by running in the water. Begin by running with your hands on your head. As you become more experienced, try paddling with your arms. You can also try walking or jogging in water.

Bobbing: Improve breathing and muscle tone by bobbing up and down in the water.

Tread Water: You can improve arm and leg strength simply by treading water.

Yoga: Improve your flexibility and strength while relaxing with gentle yoga movements. Try purchasing a water yoga DVD to learn specific exercises and workouts.

Leg Lifts: Hold onto the side of the pool, and life each leg 10 times behind you, in front of you and to the side. This will help to condition your legs, buttocks and stomach.

Pull-Ups: Strengthen your back, shoulders and arms with pull-ups. Hold onto the side of the pool and lower your body as much as possible. Keep your knees bent, exhale and pull yourself up as high as you can.

Remember to check with your physician or trainer before beginning a new workout program.